New Piece

I just got done working on a piece for Bottle Neck Gallery’s October art show “Can’t Beat Em, Join Em: The Zombie Show” benefitting The Red Cross. Just sent off the piece to the printer should receive a proof soon. The final piece will be 12″x12″ on True White Speckletone – French Paper. Here is a close-up preview of the piece. More info soon…


1-Bit Camera

There is a new app in the iTunes store called 1-Bit Camera. It takes pictures or converts pictures you have already taken into 1-Bit photo images much like the original Mac OS and the Nintendo Gameboy Camera. It’s a whole dollar. I think it’s worth it, definitely fun to mess around with.




Getting Some Views

Today my Night of the Living Dead poster was featured on the FuckYeahMoviePosters tumblr page. In less than 12 hours it has gathered more than 150 likes and re-posts. Below is a screen shot from 10pm. This poster is currently for sell on my Etsy shop 84/5 Studio (or you can just click the SHOP tab above to see some of the shops items).

click to view page



UPDATE: I just checked the design blog Abduzeedo and it was featured in their Daily Inspiration post. Zombies are still in style.


Rangers Illustrations

Been awhile but not to long ago I posted that I was doing some illustration work for ScoreBoard magazine. Below is the cover of the magazine that my illustrations were used in… I didn’t design the cover just did the illustrations but I am happy with the final product, I had a lot of fun doing the illustrations… to bad the Rangers couldn’t win the World Series.

